An assault is the intentional application of force against another person without their consent. A threat (by act or gesture) to apply force against another person is also an assault. If you are openly carrying a weapon and you approach someone aggressively, obstruct them or beg from them, you may be committing an assault.
If you have been arrested and charged with assault or another violent offence, Guelph assault lawyer Joseph Fera can help.
His method in dealing with these types of allegations is to learn and understand the full picture first. Everyone has their side to the story, be it your partner, friend, family member or a stranger. There are many defences to an assault charge and our Joseph Fera Law Office can help you understand your options.
As an assault lawyer in Guelph with extensive experience defending criminal charges, Joseph Fera is here to represent you.
Domestic assault charges most commonly arise from disputes between family members as well as those in intimate relationships. One party may call 911, the police will attend the residence, and in most cases somebody will be arrested. In many cases the party facing domestic assault charges will be held in custody for a bail hearing the next day. The arrested party will also be prohibited from communicating with the complainant and, among other conditions, not allowed to attend the family residence. Domestic assault cases are often very serious situations with extremely difficult consequences.
Joseph Fera is a Guelph domestic assault lawyer with extensive experience defending these types of cases.
Police officers and Crown Attorneys pursue domestic assault charges with a particular level of severity given the unique family issues that are usually at play in these situations. A domestic assault charge can turn your life upside down. It is imperative that you retain a criminal defence lawyer to protect your constitutional rights and ensure the best possible result.